Bentley’s acceleration into high end Ecommerce

How might we create a luxury shopping experience for Bentley in just 12 weeks?
Measurement Framework
API Integration
Qualitative & Quantitative Research
AB Testing
We worked with Bentley to create a luxury shopping experience in just 12 weeks.
The Challenge

Create a luxury shopping experience in just 12 weeks

Bentley came to us to create an entirely new online store to replace their existing ecommerce setup. Not only did they need a brand new front-end and back-end ecommerce operation to replace their existing technology set and agency providers, they needed it in 12 weeks.

And this was Bentley, so the solution had to be world class. Our staged approach to achieving success enabled us to deliver results at unparalleled speed.

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It was crucial to choose the right tools for the challenge

Given the business challenge, we felt Shopify was the most appropriate tool for the job, given that much of the back-end heavy lifting and compliance considerations could be handled as part of the solution.

By using Shopify, we were able to get the product to market quicker. It also freed up vital time to focus on mitigating any loss of search visibility and sales during the migration from the old to the new platform.

The new site was created and launched in just twelve weeks and maintained traffic and sales levels throughout the process.

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No loss of business performance in the transition was crucial. In fact, we grew sales.

Getting a clear picture of performance from the offset was critical. Our Analytics team collaborated with the client to carry out a full audit and technical set-up in Google Analytics 360 and configure a Google Data Studio dashboard designed to track user behaviour and ecommerce performance.

Page load performance is monitored actively to measure the effect of any additional code added to the site for new features and content. With speed being such a crucial factor in both conversion and search rankings, it’s always prioritised in the product roadmap.

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The launch of the site was just the beginning of the journey

We also delivered additional integrations such as PayPal payment alongside WorldPay to provide greater flexibility for our users.

The team has also built a bespoke app to push customer data via API from Shopify into Salesforce to enable email marketing and CRM. Blending quantitative and qualitative data from Analytics and remote user testing, we are carrying out an ongoing programme of conversion rate optimisation alongside feature development and platform improvement – in this instance, we’re using Google Optimize to run A/B testing.

We’re aware that, with an evolving site, inconsistencies can creep in. To combat this, we’ve created a digital front-end style guide to ensure the Bentley brand is never anything but perfectly represented across all touchpoints. As well as ensuring things stay aesthetically consistent, this guide also means there’s no duplication of front-end design elements and, therefore, lighter weight code.

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